Tuesday, June 13, 2006

AHHH!!! My Nipple Hurts!!!!

Now you might be thinking; what in the hell am I talking about…??? Well about two months ago two new comers to the family, Pan and Jauc, blessed us.

These two little guys were abandoned along with two other brothers and there mother on a road far out of town were a coworker’s daughter of my Fiancé had found them. My Fiancé then called me and told me the story and now they were looking for good homes for the mother and the litter. After some debate she convinced me to adopt two of these little critters “for the kids”. So we picked these two from the litter and brought them home to feel welcome. Immediately they stole my affection by honoring me with there presents and finding comfort with me on my recliner. Which to this day, every time I sit down they both jump up on me and begin purring for attention. I must say I love these two little guys, they are honestly the prefect cats for my family, and me or at least I seam to think so. They grace there presents every time I return home from work and begin twirling between my feet as I walk in the door, as if they now they are going to be loved.

Any way back to my original statement.. The cats have become accustom to resting or sleeping on my Fiancé or me at night. And to my surprise the other night I awoke from a deep sleep in a shriek of terror. I jumped up hysterically, and immediately realize that my right nipple was in sheer pain, I applied pressure to try and stop the sharp pain but during this time I was crying out in agony “AHHH!!! My Nipple Hurts!!!!” over and over again. Which of course scared the shit out of my partner and who had awoken to my shrieking cries anguish, so she reached over, grabbed the baseball bat and began beating me with all her might….. No really that didn’t happen, but I kind of wished it did, as it might have been less pain full getting beaten by heavy object then having your nipple attacked by your cat. Instead she just basically told me to go back to sleep. After a few minutes of a throbbing nipple I managed to relax and return to slumber land. I awoke in the morning, remembering what had happened, and couldn’t believe how much it hurts when a cat tries to claw or bite your nipple. My fingers were stained with a scattered amount of blood droppings from the night, that I member tasting in the dark during the incident. Yes I taste for blood, some times is the only way to really know if it’s blood, hey it could be ketchup (Ides Of March). For the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon, my nipple was tingling in pain and itching. No damage done and all was well, just an inverted nipple for a day or so.

Then when I told my Fiancé about the event, she says to me - “well that’s how it feels when you have kids”, assuming that she is referring to the hole breasts feeding thing, but I thinking more on the lines of that’s how it feels to have kids… with claws!
Seriously though if that is how it feels, I have to respect all of you mothers out there that have gone thru that. And applaud your pain thresholds for your children, and have to say “Sorry Mom, I didn’t mean”. Yes I might be a big weenie, but I don’t ever recall feeling that type of pain before in my life. Dame that Hurt!

Also a Side note!

Harbor Fest
July 27-30

I will be there will you?