Sunday, November 13, 2005


Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious, yes that’s right, I said it… it is now 10:37 on Sunday November 13, 2005. Which in fact is the day that my yearly ritual of celebrating my birth happens to take place on, or how the rest of you put it, My Birthday. So to answer your question “So how was your birthday?” I can some it up in one word “Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious.”
What does this word mean? I don’t really know, which is what I can also say about my birthday. For a week now my girlfriend has been saying, “your birthday is coming.” Each time I have asked her to forget about it, and it’s no big deal. Now perhaps some people would take that out of context, and assume that I am trying to play that I don’t want anything special for my birthday but in fact I really do. But that isn’t the case here, the truth is I don’t really care it’s my birthday and I don’t want anything special.

Why you might ask… Well lets see, as far back as I can remember my birthdays have been what you could say a let down. Do I blame anyone imparticular for that, yes… Myself. In the past I have had expectations of things, what kind of things doesn’t matter just that those things really never came to light. Perhaps I was not vocal enough, or had high expectations or shit just happens that prevents things from going over well. Last year had to be one of the worst birthdays I have ever had, not only for me but for other people that I was with as well. On my birthday last year I came down with horrible cold, and my friends had signed up to play in a beer pong tournament at a local bar. Which I have to admit sounded like a lot of fun and I wanted to participate. But on that day I really didn’t feel up to par and told them I was sick and that it would not be to smart of me to go. Well my friends showed up and persuaded me to go. Later on I developed a fever, was coughing a lot and felt deathly ill as my head felt like it was floating thru the skies. Ironically my friends did not seem to understand that was that sick and thought I was just drunk as they where, when in reality I was on the verge of collapsing many times and should have been home in bed. Later that night after my girlfriend got out of work and came to meet us, I wanted to go home, I had spent 6 hours out at the bars, and I was ready to go home 5 hours ago. She was not to fond of that choice. I had to called into work on that Monday because I was still sick. I felt really bad, my friends and girlfriend tried hard to have a good birthday for me, and there I was sick as dog and ruined there time. But I have to say thank you to those that tried. For some reason I can’t help from getting sick around that time of the year. It’s one of those things I think the weather has a big part in.

So that brings us to this year. I had thought about the past, and all the let downs I created for myself and decide that was not going to do that this year, and see what happens. So I basically told everyone don’t make a big deal about it, it’s just another day. I did not want anything special for my birthday, no present, no cakes, no nothing, I just wanted it to be another day with now big deals. With the 13th being on a Sunday, going out on Saturday is the logical thing to do, well Saturday morning I awoke with a horrible neck pain which I believed triggered a migraine later in the day so spent the afternoon on the couch tring heal myself for the night ahead. Then night fall arrived and out we go! Immediately my night was started off with a act of incurable retard ness, what that was I can not say, but it kind of pissed me off… but fuck it.. I decide not to worry about it and enjoy my night out.. Which in the most part I did. I had a lot of fun out at the bars with my friends. They bought me many drinks and there were a lot of laughs. A good time was had many, myself included, but for some reason being drunk was not in the cards. I tried, I kept drinking, Whiskey and coke after whisky and coke, and you would think after inhaling 12+ drinks in under 4 hours you would feel some what messed up. But oddly enough I was fine. Yes I was having a lot of fun, so perhaps I was not fine and didn’t realize it. Doesn’t matter.. Midnight came, hopes of being piss ass drunk was knocked off the list an hour ago.. So home to bed to sleep…

I awoke at 3 A.M. and I sat for an hour trying to fall back asleep, but that was not in my cards either. So I got up and did what I normally do on a Sunday morning, get online and play Battlefield 2. After racking up some major points I headed down stairs and watched Con Air.. Why? It was on I guess… Then the kids came over and the normal Sunday began. Which if you are still with me is what I wanted in the first place. Later on I traveled to my girlfriends parents house for yummy lunch/dinner with her family. Upon arrival everyone was all “Happy Birthday!”… Yippy right. It was fun, her family is entraining in a good sense and I find myself fitting in comfortably and don’t seem like an outcast. Hours later we return home were I find myself watching Mary Poppins… a movie that once had forgot about. A movie in all it’s light can show so many different perceptions on how you can go about life. Later on the “Grinch Stole Christmas” makes its holiday appearance, yet again another long last childhood favorite that now when I watch it has a totally different perspective to me. Then on to the Simpson’s, after that it doesn’t matter my night was pretty much over. Off to bed… but wait I sit once again and stare at the ceiling in the low lit room. An hour passes.. Screw this.. I get up and drive to the cemetery and visit my grandfather’s grave.. I say my piece.. Which some day will make for another story.

So what’s my point here? “Supercalifragilisticexpialadocious”… what does it mean? Do you know what it means? I know what it means to me, but I am sure it doesn’t’ mean the same thing to you as it does to me. Or perhaps it means the same thing to you as it does to me. It’s one of the those things that at any point you can sit back and think of the what does it really mean. It’s a word, it has the same spelling every time, but does it have the same meaning? Does everyone in the room think it means the same thing you think it means, or is everyone different? Does it really matter what other people think it means? Doesn’t it really matter what I think it means to other people?

It is now nearing midnight.. When officially my birthday will be closed for another year. And all I know is that my birthday is over. I got what I asked for, nothing, it was just another day… Thank you, i couldn't have asked for anything more!!!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Halloween 2005

Once agian the freak show was alive and kicking on Halloween Weekend.